Christmas is a sacred religious holiday and is a cultural and

 commercial event throughut the world. For more than two

thousand years, people around the world are watching it with 

the traditions and practices of religious and secular nature.

 Christians celebrate Chrismas anniversary of Jesus' birth in 

Nazareth, whose teachings are spiritual leaders based on their 

religion. Popular tradtions exchange gifts, decorate Christmas 

trees, go to church, shre food with friends and family with 

friends and family, and wait for Santa Claus. December 25-

Christmas Day is a fedral holiday in the United States from 


Ancient Holiday

Winter is the time of celbration around the world. Centuries 

before the arrival of a man named Jesus, early Europeans 

celebrated light and birth during the Dark Dark Day. Many 

people were happy during the winter soltice, and the worst of 

the winter was behind them and they looked forward to long 

hours and hours of sunlight

In Scandinavia, Norse celebrates the Winter Solstice from 

December 21st to Yule on January 21st. Recognizing the return 

of the sun, parnts and boys bring home large logs, which will 

fire the fire. People make a fast until the log is burned, which

 can take up to 12 days. The nurse believed that every spark 

with fire was born a new pig or a calf next year.


It was a perfct time at the end of December to celebrate most 

of Europe. During that year, most livstock were murdered, so 

they did not need to feed in winter. For many people, fresh

 meat suplies are the only time of year. In addition, most wine 

and beer made during the year are finally boiled and ready to 


In Germany, people honored the pagan god Oden during the 

midwinter holidays. Oden was fearful of the Germans because 

they saw their people and made night flights from the sky, and

 decided that who would be properous or destroyed. With his

 presence, many people decided to stay inside.

                       if any spelling mistake for give me  thank you

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