The Lamb is one of the simplest and melodious poems of William Blake. william blake belong to the romantic period. william blake published important works such as a "songs of Innocence" and "songs of experience" the present poem belongs to songs of innocence.

the lamb poem starts with the line 'little lamb who made thee' here the poet identify himself has a child. the child asks series of questions to a lamb he asks who made the little lamb in a child's tone. he asks you know who made you and he says who provide the water and food. he asks lamb again who give the soft wooly cloth and beautiful tender voice. william blake focus on the questions of a child in the entire first stanza. then the poet answered for a series of the question as a lamb in the next stanza.

In the second stanza consists the answer to the child's questions. here William Blake became a lamb and answer the questions of the child, the Lord Jesus Christ is the creator of the lamb. jesus christ has another name that is lamb. because Jesus Christ is meek and mild like lamb. jesus christ was also a child when he first appeared on this earth as the son of this poem the child shows his deep joy in the company of the lamb.

william blake ends his poem by blessing the lamb in the god's name. 

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