Words and Wordsmiths
24 of the natural satellites orbiting
Uranus has been named
after characters from
Shakespeare plays!
Dr. Seuss wrote the well-known children's book
'Green Eggs and Ham' victimisation solely fifty totally different words!
in 2004 French author Michel Thaler published
a 233-page novel which has no verbs!
Did You Know?
Chameleons can whip their long tongues out
faster than our eyes can follow, moving 26
times the length of their own body in an exceedingly second!
One of the tiniest dinosaurs that lived throughout the
Jurassic was hardly larger than a pet cat!
chickens are not the only birds who bob
their heads while walking! Cranes and
pigeons it too!
Antartica is the only continent where
butterflies have not been found.
Caterpillars have 4000 muscles-humans only have 629!